Preview of Passover Letters from the Elephantine Papyri

This is a special preview of the Support Team Study, Passover Letters from the Elephantine Papyri, in which Nehemia Gordon and Prof. Bezalel Porten delve into a series of Jewish letters written in southern Egypt in the 5th century BCE. They discover that the earliest reference to Passover outside the Bible is an Aramaic letter dealing with the same problem we face today - when to do Passover and look at evidence of Gentiles in ancient Egypt who kept the Sabbath in fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy. After you watch the preview, be sure to watch the full in-depth Support Team Study of Passover Letters from the Elephantine Papyri!

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Hebrew Voices #68 – An Early Christian Passover (Rebroadcast)

Melito of Sardis

In this episode of Hebrew Voices, An Early Christian Passover, Nehemia Gordon continues his fascinating discussion with Prof. Shaye Cohen of Harvard University. This time, the two focus on a Christian Church Father named Melito of Sardis, who in the second century, wrote a prayer service or sermon, for a Christian Passover. This leads Gordon and Cohen to discuss the differences and similarities between Easter, Pascha and Passover, what each commemorated, and when each of these holidays were observed by different historical groups. Be sure to also listen to Part 1 - Was the Last Supper a Passover Seder!

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Support Team Study – Guess Who’s Coming to Seder

Nehemia-at-Tayelet-Small, Seder, Support Team, study, raw stream, Torah, consciousness, discernment, spirituality, emotional manipulation, demonic, deception, Scripture, fruitful, dialogue, verses

In this Support Team Study, Guess Who's Coming to Seder, Nehemia Gordon shares how a Passover Seder when he was eight marked his life and ministry. This Passover experience was a seed that grew and eventually opened a crack in his Litvak intellectualism. It allowed me to recognize that true spiritual encounters can be real, powerful, and life changing. But we need to have discernment between true encounters with our creator, emotional manipulation from others, or from “demonic” deception. While I don't have all the answers, I know what Scripture says—all authentic spiritual experiences must line up with Torah—and I hope this study begins a fruitful dialogue. Please share your thoughts and ideas (along with verses) in the comments—after listening to the study.

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Hebrew Voices #28 – The Renewed Sanhedrin

The Sanhedrin in deliberations on Mount Zion next to David's Tomb on March 30, 2016. The man standing on the far left is Professor Hillel Weiss. Photo by Nehemia Gordon.In this episode of Hebrew Voices, The Renewed Sanhedrin,  Nehemia Gordon chats with Professor Hillel Weiss, official spokesperson for the Jerusalem Sanhedrin. Their conversation is recorded near David’s tomb—the strategic meeting place of this Sanhedrin.  They begin with an historical overview of the Sanhedrin from each of their own perspectives as well as the perspectives of others. Continue reading

Support Team Study – Aviv Barley and the Spirit of Constantine

Tête de Constantin 1er - Palazzo dei Conservatori - MC0757

In this Support Team Study, Aviv Barley and the Spirit of Constantine, Bible Scholar Nehemia Gordon shows how the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD led to a change in the observance of the Biblical Calendar for both Jews and Christians. He also includes his educated guess as to when Passover will fall out this year based on the Aviv-New Moon calendar.

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Aviv Barley in the Biblical Calendar

6-Row-BarleyBiblical Leap Years

The Biblical year begins with the first New Moon after the barley in Israel reaches the stage in its ripeness called Aviv. The period between one year and the next is either 12 or 13 lunar months. Because of this, it is important to check the state of the Barley crops at the end of the 12th month. If the barley is Aviv at this time, then the following New Moon is Hodesh Ha-Aviv ("New Moon of the Aviv"). If the barley is still immature, we must wait another month and then check the barley again at the end of the 13th month. Continue reading