Hebrew Voices #72 – Hebrew Luke and John Found in Vatican Junk Box

In this episode of Hebrew Voices, Hebrew Luke and John Found in Vatican Junk Box, Nehemia Gordon talks about how he discovered Hebrew manuscripts of Luke and John! These manuscripts have never been shared with the public before this was aired and are particularly interesting when compared to the Greek text. They are also another proof that the name of God is unequivocally Yehovah and clearly show the pronunciation of the name Yeshua.You can download a full transcription and translation of the surviving portions of the Hebrew gospels of Luke and John from the Vatican below. Elvira wrote: “I am so glad you are getting this out there to the world. I was able to read along with the download of the documents as you read them out loud. What a privilege! What an era to live in!”

I look forward to reading your comments!

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Hebrew Voices #72 - Hebrew Gospels from a Vatican Junk Box

You are listening to Hebrew Voices with Nehemia Gordon. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon's Makor Hebrew Foundation. Learn more at NehemiasWall.com.

Nehemia: And as I’m looking through the junk box, I’m seeing hundreds of pages from many different books, and all of a sudden I come across a page, and I look at this and I say, “Wait a minute. That’s a Gospel in Hebrew.”

Benjamin Netanyahu: Le ma’an Zion lo ekhesheh, u’l’ma’an Yerushalayim lo eshkot. (For Zion’s sake I will not be silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest. Isaiah 62:1)

Michael: This is a day I’ve been waiting for for nearly two decades. What we are going to present to you tonight, I have been waiting for a long time since Nehemia came out with his original work on Shem-Tov’s Hebrew Matthew, and we toured the United States over a two-month period of time with Raiders of the Lost Book – Discoveries in the Ancient Hebrew Text of the Gospel of Matthew. And Nehemia had, at that time, uncovered several texts of the Hebrew Matthew that had not been known, that had been hidden away in the archives of Jewish scribes for an untold number of years, and because of his research, we were able to solve problems that were unintelligible in the Greek text of the Gospel of Matthew, and also in the English text.

And so, these discoveries in the Hebrew text of Matthew gave us insights into the Gospels that had eluded scholars for generations. Now, Nehemia is going to bring forth some of the other Gospels that he has now found in the Hebrew language. We have Nehemia’s book, The Greek Jesus Versus the Hebrew Yeshua. This is where he lays out the detail of solving the problem of Matthew 23. And ladies and gentlemen, I suggest that you get these and you study them, because it’s going to lay the groundwork of what, now, we’re able to lay out after all these years. You are going to be the first ones to see it, and tonight I’m going to be the first one to see some of these manuscripts for the first time myself.

Nehemia, it’s good to have you back.

Nehemia: Great to be back.

Michael: And I am looking forward to what is happening tonight on Shabbat Night Live.

Nehemia: Well, so this is what we’ve been waiting several weeks for, Michael. I’m really excited about this. I told the people last week about the Vatican junk box, and it really came out of that research I was doing with Matthew 23. I had found these manuscripts of Hebrew Matthew. George Howard found nine, and I had found 14, and I said, “There’s got to be more.” And it turned out, by the time we did that video I believe we had 26, and later I found two more. But the process was, I would get these microfilms and I would put them on the reader, analogue reader, and I’m swirling them, looking through them, and one of these microfilms was in the Vatican, and it said, “Miscellaneous”. And I said, “Well, that’s interesting. Let’s see what’s miscellaneous.” And as I’m looking through, I’m realizing this is a junk box. They have a loose page…

Michael: What do you mean by “junk box”?

Nehemia: Well, you know, I was once told by a mechanic that when you put a car back together and you’re left with three extra bolts, you just throw them in the junk box. [laughing] So, this is what would happened in the Vatican. Somebody was reading a manuscript, maybe 10 manuscripts, they put them back on the shelf, and they’d see on the table there was an extra page left there. Well, what we do with this? We don’t know where it goes. We put it in the junk box, and this is how…

Michael: And these are ancient manuscripts…

Nehemia: Oh, yeah.

Michael: …the pages do come out and…

Nehemia: Oh, all the time.

Michael: …they don’t know what to do with them.

Nehemia: Oh, they open up a book nobody’s opened up for 200 years and there are worms in there, eating the book, and all kinds of things are happening. There’s mold, all kinds of problems you’re having with manuscripts. And so they would put these pages in the junk box. So, I’m looking at this microfilm at the National Library of Israel, and it’s a microfilm of a junk box.

Now, back then I only had it black-and-white. What’s new, and why I’m able to share this now publicly, is now I’ve got the high-resolution color images, because of this world-wide project of digitizing Hebrew manuscripts. And I’m going to show people here for the first time, some of the other pages from the junk box.

So here, for example, we have a page from the junk box. And you can see it says, “Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, the Apostolic Library of the Vatican”. And this is some page of some document that fell out of a book or was torn out of a book, and it’s some sort of kabbalistic work or something.

Michael: Yeah, it’s got a star…

Nehemia: Yeah, it’s got some weird drawings on it. It’s some kind of kabbalistic document. Here’s another page from some other book completely, it’s actually an early printed book, and this is a book of how to teach children. It’s got the Aleph-Bet with all the different combinations of the vowels, and there’s a picture here of the very simple wood etching, they call these, where the teacher has… it’s a spare the rod, spoil the child, it’s expressing. And it talks here about the young boy, and it’s literally a children’s book that fell out of some early book they had, or early printed book. Put it in the junk box.

Michael: Yeah, so it’s Hebrew, so it’s not anything that concerns them. Just throw it in the Hebrew…

Nehemia: Well, even if it concerns them, they don’t know what to do with it, right? Up until the last decade or so, the Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican had never been catalogued. It was scholars from the National Library of Israel that went to the Library for the first time and catalogued it from the Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts. Nobody had ever catalogued it, because they couldn’t read Hebrew. Occasionally, they’d look at a book here, a book there, they had some idea what was there, but they didn’t have a systematic idea.

Here’s another page which is from a book in German. I don’t even know what it’s doing in there, if it’s even a Jewish book. This was just a junk box where they put stuff. Most of them are Hebrew books. And as I’m looking through the junk box, I’m seeing hundreds of pages from many different books, and all of a sudden I come across a page, and I look at this and I say, “Wait a minute. That’s a Gospel in Hebrew.” And first I found Luke, and there were three pages of Luke, and then I found a single page from the Gospel of John. Can I read that to the people, what it says?

Michael: Please, please do.

Nehemia: People, this is the first time this is being shown publicly to the world. I don’t know where this came from, other than that it’s from the Vatican. Where the Vatican got it from, I don’t know. What’s really cool is at the bottom of the page…

Michael: And it’s just one page.

Nehemia: It’s just one page from John. At the bottom of the page you have what they call a hanging word. It’s a single word without vowels that is the first word from the next page.

Michael: And without the vowels that tells you…

Nehemia: Yeah…

Michael: …that it continues onto the next page.

Nehemia: Oh, yeah. So, what they would do is, they’d put the first word of the next page at the bottom of the previous page, so you’d turn the page and you’d know what to look for. And if the page is in the original order, that’s very helpful, of course. So, we know there was another page. We just don’t have it.

So let me read you for the first time from the Gospel of John from the junk box of the Vatican Library. I mean, this truly is a treasure. I mean, there are movies about things like this, like American Treasure, and I hate to say it, but The Da Vinci Code. There’s some treasure somewhere, we’re going to find, and I’ve found it in a microfilm of the junk box in the Vatican. And this has never been talked about publicly, as far as I know. And certainly, when I found it, nobody knew about this, around 17 years ago, or so.

Here’s what it says. I’ll read it in Hebrew and then translate it. “Habsora hakedosha shel Yeshua haMashiach kefi Yochanan. The Holy Gospel of Yeshua, the Mashiach, according to Yochanan.” Perek rishon, chapter 1. “Bereishit haya hadevar, vehadavar haya etzel haElohim, ve’haElohim hu haya hadevar. In the beginning was the word…” the “devar”, “and the word was next to Elohim.” Now, that word “next to” is the Hebrew word “etzel”. You might be able to translate it as “with”. I think it’s a bit of a stretch, but you could.

Michael: With, as in King James?

Nehemia: Right, and the word was “with God”. Here’s it’s “etzel”.

Michael: Next to.

Nehemia: …which is “next to”. And I saw them like, “What? That’s really interesting.” Well, you have this verse in the New Testament, it’s in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 20, “Which He worked in Christ which He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at his right hand in the Heavenly places.”

Michael: Ah, that’s very close to it.

Nehemia: I’ve got to wonder.

Michael: “Next to.”

Nehemia: I’ve got to wonder. It’s literally “next to”, right? On the right hand, Hebrews 8:1. “Now, this is the main point of the things we are saying. We have such a High Priest who is seated at the right-hand of the throne of the majesty in the Heavens.” So, I’ve got to wonder if that’s what’s going on in this Hebrew text of John that I’ve discovered in the Vatican. And it goes on…

Michael: That goes back to the Psalms, “Seated at my right-hand till I make thy enemies thy footstool.”

Nehemia: Psalm 110, okay, wow. So, “VehaElohim hu haya hadevar, ze haya bereishit etzel haElohim. This was in the beginning next to Elohim.” Of course, HaElohim is the Hebrew word for God. It says, “Kol hadevarim ne’esu bo, u’mibaladav lo na’asah devar mikol asher haya. All things were made through Him and without Him, nothing was made from all that was.” “Bo hayu hachayim, in Him was life.” “vehachayim hayu ohr ha’anashim. And life was the light of men.” “Veha’or haya zore’ach b’aphelot, ve’aphelot lochechiluhu. And the light was shining forth in the darkness, and the darkness could not contain it…” meaning the light.

Vayehi ish echad sheluach meh’et Elohim u’shemo Yochanan, and there was a certain man sent from God, and his name was Yochanan.” That’s Hebrew for John. And it goes on and it says, “Zeh ba be’edut leha’id al ha’ohr leman asher ya’aminu hakol be’avuro, this one came in testimony to testify concerning the light in order that they would believe everything because of Him.” “Hu lo haya hadevar, ki’im le’haid al ha’ohr. He was not the light, but only testifying concerning the light…” meaning John.

Haya ohr amiti hame’ir lechol adam haba el ha’olam. It was true light to shed light on every man who enters into this world.” “Hu haya ba’olam vehaolam ne’esah bo. He was in the world and the world was made through Him.” “Vehha’olam lo hekiruhu, and the world did not recognize Him, “bah el moladeto mamash, u’bnei beito lo kibluhu. He came to his true homeland or birthplace, and the children of His house did not accept Him.” “Lechol asher kiblu uma’aminim bishmo natan memshalah she’ihiyu bnei haElohim. And to all those who accepted Him and believe in His name, He gave dominion that they would be sons of Elohim.” “Asher hem lo midam ve’lo michefetz habasar adam, for they were not born out of blood and not out of the desire of flesh.” “Ve’lo michefetz adam noladu, ki’im mi’et haElohim, not out of the desire of men but from Elohim.” And then it ends, Michael. [laughing] Like, what’s next?! I don’t know!

Michael: The last word on the page.

Nehemia: The last word is “haElohim”, which means “God”, or “the one God, the true God”. And then it ends, and we don’t know what’s next. I mean, think about it. You know, the conspiracy always is that the Vatican’s hiding it. No, quite literally, the Vatican was so incompetent, they don’t even know what they have! They had no idea, it’s just in the junk box.

Now again, is this the original Hebrew? I don’t know. I mean, this is what we dreamed of - as a scholar, certainly - you dream of finding something like this – the lost Gospels in the Vatican. And here, we have four pages from a lost Gospel in the Vatican, and it’s not that they were hiding it to be malicious. They just didn’t know.

Now, I want to tell you a story, Michael, I heard this when I was in elementary school. I went to an ultra-Orthodox elementary school in Chicago, and we had this man come. He was a rabbi, and he told us how he would go into the Vatican at the time, and they wouldn’t allow him to bring pen and paper, but they would allow him to study the manuscripts. So, he would walk in there into the library, go through all the check. Of course, he can’t bring a camera, and we’re talking the ‘80s, right? He’s not bringing a phone. It wasn’t possible back then. He wasn’t allowed to bring pen and paper. He had to go in, memorize a line of one of the manuscripts, run out after about an hour, write down everything he could remember, go back in again, and this man must have had a photographic memory. That’s how he was doing it in the ‘80s.

And now, anybody who’s listening to this program can go to my website, nehemiaswall.com, and see the full text and translation. There will be a link there to the Vatican website where you can see the original document here. You don’t have to believe me, you can see it for yourself. I mean, think what a miracle this is. We go from where the rabbi is sitting there, memorizing the text - and he’s probably not interested in this text – he’s memorizing the manuscripts of the Mishnah they have there, and other documents. And we’ve now gone to the point where at the click of a button, you could find these things. It’s a miracle, Michael. Michael, this is a miracle.

Michael: Knowledge is increasing.

Nehemia: Knowledge is increasing.

Michael: Running to and fro with our computers at the speed of nanoseconds.

Nehemia: It’s incredible, Michael, what’s going on here. Well, can I read a little bit from Luke? I don’t think we have time for the whole thing.

Michael: Okay, well let’s do this. Everyone, get out a pen. Get out your Bibles, this is the time that you can actually mark in your Bibles and bring it right back to the Hebrew. All right.

Nehemia:Habsora hakedoshah shel Yeshua haMashiach kefi Luka. The Holy Gospel or good news of Yeshua, the Messiah, haMashiach, the Mashiach, according to Luke, or Luka.”

Michael: That’s a lot more full than the King James has.

Nehemia: Is it?

Michael: Oh, yeah.

Nehemia: Well, that’s what it says here.

Michael: Yeah, beautiful, beautiful.

Nehemia: People can see it, for the first time this is being shown publicly.

Michael: King James, the Gospel according to Luke.

Nehemia: That’s all you’ve got there.

Michael: Yeah, that’s all we’ve got.

Nehemia: Okay, here it is. “Habsora hakedosha shel Yeshua haMashiach kefi Luka.” By the way, I’ve just got to point out here, the name here is written as “Yeshua”, which is a name that appears in the Nehemia chapter 8 verse 17 referring to Joshua, the son of Nun. Meaning, there’s no question from any serious scholarship about how to pronounce that name, Yeshua. No question whatsoever.

Michael: Right.

Nehemia: And this is how it’s documented in these Hebrew documents that we find in the Vatican and other Hebrew documents, and this one’s with vowels, Michael! That’s one of the really cool things. Now, I’m going to skip over the introduction. People can go to my website, nehemiaswall.com and see that. If you’ll allow me to start with chapter 1, “And it came to pass in the days of Herod.” I’ll read it in Hebrew. “Vayehi beyemei Hordos, melech Yehudah, Kohen echad ushemo Zecharia mibnei Aviya v’ishto mibnei Aharon, ushema Elisheva.” I’m going to translate up to there.

Michael: Okay.

Nehemia: “And it came to pass in the days of Herod, King of Judah, a certain Kohen, a Priest, his name was Zecharia from the sons of Aviya, and his wife was from the children of Aharon, and her name was Elisheva.” And this is it, Michael. This is the part…

Michael: Okay.

Nehemia: …that when I saw this…

Michael: All right.

Nehemia: …in the early 2000s, I was in the library and it was with every fiber of my being that I had to fight not to shout when I saw this. “Vayihiyu sheneihem tzadikim, and they both were righteous, lifnei Yehovah, before Yehovah.”

Michael: And…

Nehemia: And there in the Hebrew manuscript of Luke from the Vatican it says, “tzadikim, righteous, lifnei Yehovah, righteous before Yehovah.” And Yehovah has the full vowels! Which we now know from over 1,000 Hebrew manuscripts of the Old Testament. We’ve seen this in the Hebrew Revelation Sloane 273 from the British Library, and now we’re seeing it in the Hebrew text of Luke from the New Testament, from the Vatican junk box, Yehovah with the full vowels. That was known to be the pronunciation of His name. This is incredible. [laughing]

Michael: [laughing] It is. It is.

Nehemia: Okay, it goes on and it says…

Michael: Oh, this is beautiful.

Nehemia: All right. I mean, this is incredible stuff. It says, “Veholchim bechol khukei umishpatei Yehovah…”

Michael: There it is.

Nehemia: “And walking in all the statutes and judgments…”

Michael: Of Yehovah.

Nehemia: “…of Yehovah, bilti ormah, without craftiness,” which is really interesting. What do you have there in your English, in your King James?

Michael: “Were blameless.” Yeah, they were blameless, “Walking in all the ordinances, commandments of Yehovah, blameless.”

Nehemia: Wow, so that’s really interesting. I mean, it’s incredible.

Michael: Oh yeah, yeah, because they’re Kohens, both from Aaron, and they have so many more things that they have to perform than the average Israelite, and still they were blameless.

Nehemia: Well, here it doesn’t say “blameless” in Hebrew, it says “without craftiness”.

Michael: Without craftiness.

Nehemia: And what I understand when I read that in Hebrew is, you know, we’ve got these commandments, but there are always ways to get around the commandments.

Michael: Oh. Oh yeah.

Nehemia: And this is something the rabbis are masters of. So, for example, it talks about in the Torah, at every seven years during the shemita, during the sabbatical year, that if your poor brother owes you money, that debt is forgiven. So the rabbis come along and they say, “Hey, that’s a lot of money to pass up on.” So, they create something called the “Prozbul.” Prozbul is this concept in Rabbinical Judaism where you write a certain type of contract, and therefore the debt carries over through the shemita and survives and the man owes that money for the rest of his life, until he pays it off. So I think that’s what it means, “without craftiness”.

Michael: Oh, that’s beautiful.

Nehemia: I mean, you talk about legalism, there’s a lot of things in Jewish tradition. You know, one of the things the rabbis do, of course, is they create these fences around the Torah, what Yeshua called the “heavy burdens” that they load on the people, and they won’t lift one finger to do them themselves. But then, in other instances they do something different. They say, “Hey, these commandments are too hard, the ones God actually tells us to do, because we’re so busy doing our man-made takanot, our man-made, rules and regulations.” So, they come up with these loopholes to get out doing the actual commandments of God, and I think that’s what it means when it says, “without craftiness”.

Michael: That’s interesting. Now, even if we don’t get into these other things, at any time like this, just speak up, because that craftiness, you know, the shemita, when they started it out the rabbis sold the whole land of Israel to an Arab for the year…

Nehemia: That’s craftiness.

Michael: …so it didn’t belong to a Jew.

Nehemia: Right.

Michael: …and so, they could continue planting and harvesting, and then it reverted back. That craftiness is very evident.

Nehemia: There’s a reason Jews are such good lawyers. [laughing] And I’m not trying to be funny.

Michael: No.

Nehemia: Really, they’re dealing with the Torah and trying to think, “Wow, God commanded us to do that. We don’t want to do it. There’s got to be some way where we can throw away the spirit of the law, but through the letter of the law, get out of actually doing it.” And I think that’s what the craftiness is. I mean, Jews are trained to do this, and then you apply that to other laws, and you might make a very good lawyer.

Let me jump ahead here. “They did not have children. Elisheva was barren, and both of them were advanced in years. And the Kohen, Zecharia, had the priesthood before.” And it says in Hebrew, this is really interesting, it says, “before Yehovah…”

Michael: Ah.

Nehemia: “…in the order of his family, according to the custom of the service of the priesthood. The lot fell upon him to present the incense, and he came into the sanctuary of Yehovah.” And that’s the first word on the page! We turn the page here, and we get to the top of the page, and literally the first word it says at the end of the last page it says, “the sanctuary of…” and the first word there, the upper right, anybody can see it, it says, “Yehovah” just like it has…

Michael: Yeah.

Nehemia: …every time in this document with the full vowels. Incredible. Let’s go on, and it says, “And all the throng of the people were standing outside to pray at the time of the incense. And the angel of Yehovah appeared to him standing at the right of the altar of incense, and Zecharia, when he saw him, was terrified and fear seized hold of him. And the angel said to him, ‘Do not fear, Zecharia, for your prayer is heard. And Elisheva, your wife, will give birth to a son. And you shall call his name Yochanan, and there shall be to you joy and happiness. And many will be happy at the time of his birth, for he will be great before Yehovah, and will not drink wine or strong drink. And he will be filled from the Ru’ach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit, from the womb of his mother. And he will turn many of the Children of Israel to Yehovah, their Elohim. And he will walk before Him in the spirit and power of Eliyahu to return the heart of the fathers to the sons. And he will return the heretics to the righteousness of the righteous ones.’” That’s pretty cool. That’s kind of different from what you’ve got in the Greek.

“And to prepare to Yehovah, prepare to Yehovah the people.” Prepared… Now, I want to stop there for a second. I don’t think we’re going to be able to read the whole thing. I want to go back to the name.

Michael: Okay.

Nehemia: We’re seeing here the name in a Hebrew Gospel from the Vatican junk box with the vowels “Yehovah”! And there’s one more thing, I hope we have time to get to. But I want to talk about something about the name.

One of the things you hear from scholars, there’s actual solid scholarship out there from Gesenius, who we’ve mentioned him before. He was the great Hebrew grammarian, really of the last 200 years. And although he got a bunch of things wrong, he really was a great grammarian. One of the things he says is, “Those vowels that people think are the name Yehovah,” and in English it became Jehovah, “those are the wrong vowels.” And one of the arguments he brings is what’s called the “preposition argument”. It’s called the “inseparable prepositions” or more accurately, for those who actually know Hebrew, “the inseparable particles”.

So, the inseparable particle argument is that when the name Yehovah is preceded by certain letters that are attached to the word – I don’t want to get too complicated here – that the first letter is silent just like it’s in Adonai. And I want to show what Adonai looks like. Adonai is the way Jews traditionally read this. And here we have a manuscript, this is a manuscript from the Russian National Library, EVR B52. And I call this, Michael, “the B52 bomber of Hebrew manuscripts”, because this proves definitively, puts to rest the whole issue of the vowels. Now, bear with me, people, for one moment here.
It says, “la’Adonai”. That is the word “Adonai” with what’s called the inseparable preposition, or inseparable particle. And the la’ is attached to the word, and it has the vowel you would expect for Adonai. But one of the important things here is that the first letter of Adonai is silent. Why is it silent? Because in Hebrew you have la-A-donai, so la’A is a contraction, just like you say in English, “cannot” becomes “can’t”. It’s a typical contraction, it’s called the “allision of the Aleph” in Hebrew linguistics, “la’Adonai”. silent Aleph. So, there’s no vowel in the Aleph when it has the attached preposition. This is the inseparable particle. No Aleph and I don’t know, why do we care about this? This is normal, you find this in every single manuscript, every printed Bible.

What we discovered in B52, which became the B52 bomber of Hebrew manuscripts, is that when Yehovah is preceded by the attached preposition, it has the full vowels, “Ye-ho-vah”. Now, I just told you, the first letter of Adonai is silent. There’s no vowel in that letter. And what we’ve been told for 200 years, since the time of Gesenius, is that the vowels of Yud-Hey-Vav-Hey, the vowels of the name are the vowels of Adonai. And therefore, the vowel in the Yud of Yud-Hey-Vav-Hey represents the Aleph of Adonai. In fact, in the B52 manuscript, in the B52 bomber, there is no vowel in the Yud – or let me re-phrase that correctly. There is a vowel in the Yud!

Michael: Right.

Nehemia: We expect there to be no vowel based on Gesenius, but in fact it has the full vowels, and what I can say definitively without question is these are the vowels of the name. They can’t be the vowels of Adonai. Now, what does this have to do with the Hebrew Gospels that we discovered in the Vatican junk box, that I discovered 17 or 18 years ago? So, you open up there, and in Luke we just read the verse in Luke, and there it says…

Michael: Yes.

Nehemia: “To prepare for Yehovah” or “to Yehovah, the people,” and it’s “la’Yehovah” with the full vowels! In Adonai, that first letter should have no vowel, but the fact that it has “la’Yehovah” in the B52 bomber Hebrew manuscript, now in over 150 manuscripts of the Old Testament, we know it has this exact same thing. And it’s even in the Gospel of Luke in Hebrew! Proving definitely from a linguistic perspective, that these are the true vowels of the name itself, not the vowels of Adonai, even in the Hebrew Gospel of Luke from the Vatican. [laughing]

Michael: Amen. Amen. I’m not going to have time for Nehemia to go through and translate it all, but in verse 25 of chapter 1, this is what Elizabeth said after she conceives. She says, “Thus hath Yehovah dealt with me in the days wherein He looked upon me to take away my reproach among men.” So, that word “Lord” there is “Yehovah” with all the proper…

Nehemia: With the vowels.

Michael: …vowels included.

Nehemia: Yeah.

Michael: And Nehemia - start us off.

Nehemia: I’m going to read a little bit more. So, we’ve seen the name “Yehovah” here in this Hebrew Luke from the Vatican. The name “Yeshua” is also there. Can we get to that? [laughing]

Michael: Okay, all right. Wow…

Nehemia: All right. “And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from Yehovah in a city of Galilee, and its name was Nazareth, to a certain virgin…” And it’s interesting there, the Hebrew word for “virgin” is “betullah”, “…to a certain betullah who was betrothed to a man, and his name was Yosef from the house of David. And the name of the virgin, the betullah, was Miriam.” Let me read this now in Hebrew. “U’bevo hamalech eleha amar, and when the angel came to her, he said, ‘Shalom, lich, mele’at chen. Yehovah imach, mevorechet at bein hanashim. And when the angel came to her, he said, ‘Shalom to you…’” meaning “peace”, and this is the greeting in Hebrew, “Shalom to you, she who is full of grace. Yehovah be with you,” or “Yehovah is with you.” And I love that in Hebrew, because that’s exactly what Boaz said to the harvesters in Ruth, and it’s exactly what the angels said to Gideon. And in the Mishnah it says that this is the way the ancient Israelites would greet one another in the name, saying, “Yehovah be with you. Yehovah with you.” And that’s what the angel says to her.

Michael: And this is one of Ruth’s descendants. Wow.

Nehemia: [laughing] “Yehovah be with you. You are blessed among women. And she looked and was frightened because of his words and she was thinking, ‘What sort of shalom was this?’” meaning he said to her, “Shalom to you,” and she’s thinking, “What sort of shalom was this?”

Michael: What shalom is this? [laughing]

Nehemia: What sort of peace is this, or greeting? “And the angel said to her, ‘Do not fear, Miriam, for you have found favor before Yehovah. Behold, you are pregnant and will give birth to a son…’” I’m going to read this in Hebrew, “Vekarat shemo Yeshua, and you will call His name Yeshua. Zeh yihyeh gadol, this one will be great, veyikarei ‘Ben Elyon’, and He will be called ‘Son of the most High’. Veyiten lo Yehovah kisseh David aviv. And Yehovah, Elohim, will give Him the throne of David, his father, veyimlokh al beit Yaakov le’olam, and He will reign over the house of Yaakov, of Jacob, forever. Ve’lo yihey ketz lemalchuto, there will no end to His kingdom.’”

“And Miriam said to the angel, ‘How will this be, for I have not known a man?’ And the angel answered and said to her, ‘The spirit of holiness will enter you,” and this is interesting, “and an exalted might will be in your shadow, or in your protection…”

Michael: Oh, wow.

Nehemia: …which is not quite what it says in the Greek. It’s very interesting.

Michael: Right.

Nehemia: And I’ve got to read this part in Hebrew, and this is the end, the last words here in Luke. “Al hasher ihiye hanolad kadosh yikareh ben Yehovah, because He that will be born will be holy, he shall be called ben Yehovah, Son of Yehovah.”

Michael: Aha.

Nehemia: And that’s what we find…

Michael: That’s beautiful.

Nehemia: …in the junk box in the Vatican. [laughing]

Michael: That. Ladies and gentlemen, it doesn’t get any better from the junk box in the Vatican than that right there. That is just incredible.

Nehemia: And it’s just been sitting there for who knows how many centuries, and they don’t even know they have it.

Michael: And there it is. Right in the Hebrew, there’s no other way to pronounce it, Yeshua. Yeshua.

Nehemia: It’s written right there with the vowels, right?

Michael: And the same thing in the Hebrew Matthew.

Nehemia: Absolutely. And look, there are people who say, “Yahshua” and things like that.

Michael: And I was one of those people. I think I’ve got a DVD on it.

Nehemia: Well, I mean, I could only call that “pseudo-Hebrew…”

Michael: Yeah.

Nehemia: …because the way those letters are written can’t be pronounced “Yahshua”. It doesn’t fit the rules of Hebrew phonology, and maybe we’ll do one of the Q&As on that. And what’s interesting is there isn’t a doubt, there isn’t a debate and scholarly literature about the name Yeshua. The only real debate is about the name Yud-Hey-Vav-Hey, whether those are the vowels of Adonai, or those are the actual vowels of the name. And then the whole “Yahweh” thing, we talked about that in an earlier episode. And really, this document, along with over 150 manuscripts of the Old Testament with the B52 bomber, with the definitive proof that it has what’s called the “inseparable preposition” proves definitively that that is actually the vowels of the name, “Yehovah”. It can’t be the vowels of Adonai.

And Michael, I mean, I am so blessed. You know, people would often say, “What period of history do you want to live in?” And look, okay, I would have liked to have been at Mount Sinai. But other than that, maybe to have met Yeshua. But other than that, there’s no other period of history I want to have lived in other than today.

Michael: Right now. Right now.

Nehemia: Right now, this moment, we’re living in a period where knowledge is increasing as it talks about in the Book of Daniel! I feel like we’re living in what it describes in the Book of Acts, where it talks about the “restoration of all things”. Can you read that, Michael?

Michael: Yeah, yeah. I want to read that.

Nehemia: I think we’re living in that period of history.

Michael: Because this the disciples, and they have just healed the man who was lame. He’s at the Nicanor Gate, the beautiful gate. And now they’re speaking to the people, and speaking and saying, “The times of refreshing shall come from the presence of Yehovah. And He shall send Yeshua, Messiah, which before was preached unto you, whom the heaven must receive until the times of the restitution or restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of the Holy Prophets since the world began. This is a time that was promised.” And Nehemia, why do you see these discoveries, why are they so important in our time? Because the Jews are looking for the coming of the Messiah. Here, these Jews were saying that the heavens must receive the Messiah until the restoration of all things, and we’re seeing things restored that we never imagined. The Gentiles could never have imagined the stuff that’s going on right now.

Nehemia: Well, Michael, I see this as part of a pattern, a pattern of history, of restoration. And it’s interesting, this isn’t a new doctrine, what He said. He says, “This restoration is something spoken by the prophets.” So, when I hear that I say, “Well, which prophets?” And I look at what’s happened starting in the 1800’s, we had the return of the Jews to the land of Israel. They were scattered throughout the Diaspora and began to return in large numbers in the 1800’s. We had the restoration of the Hebrew language, which is prophesied in Zephaniah, we’ll get to that in a minute. The return of Jewish sovereignty after 2,000 years, the liberation of the Temple Mount and the rest of Jerusalem. I mean, we have a psalm about how Jerusalem is united as a city, and it actually happened in 1967. The restoration of the calendar, the restoration now of the name, and the discovery of these Hebrew Gospels. I have to wonder if this isn’t part of this whole pattern of restoration.

And I’m not a Christian, I’m not a Messianic Jew. But I’m seeing these restorations even of these ancient Hebrew documents, I think this could be part of the pattern. And it gets me excited, Michael, because I ask the question, Michael, “What’s next?” If we’ve seen all these things restored in our lifetime, many of these in my lifetime, things you’d never expect to have happened… I mean, I’ve shared this with you before on the program about how in the ‘80’s the Jewish leadership was talking about how it would take centuries to liberate the Jews from the Soviet Union, and now over one million Jews have returned. I mean, the return of the Jews from Ethiopia, we are seeing restoration, people waking up around the world and realizing they’ve been called to the God of Israel, that’s the Isaiah 56 prophesy.

Michael, I want to read one prophesy to you, Jeremiah 32:41. This is part of what it’s talking about in Acts 3:21. What’s really interesting about this verse, let me read it, and this is talking about the return of the exiles. God bringing the exiles back and planting them in their land. He says, “I will rejoice over you to do good to you, and I will plant them in this land in truth with all My heart and with all My soul.” And you know, Michael, in the entire Bible it talks repeatedly about loving God with all your heart and all your soul. It’s in the Shema. When they asked Yeshua what’s the most important commandment, He said to them, “Shema Yisrael, Hear O Israel, Yehovah Eloheinu, Yehovah Echad. Yehovah is our Elohim, Yehovah is One.” And then he says, “Ve’ahavta et Yehovah Elochecha, and you shall love Yehovah with all your heart, u’bechol nafshecha, u’bechol meodecha, and with all your soul and all your might.” And in all of the entire Bible there’s only one place where God says He will do something with all His heart and all His soul, and that is planting the people of Israel back in their land.

That’s not some small, trivial thing. That is the only thing God ever said He’ll do with all His heart and all His soul, and He’s done it. It’s begun to happen. It hasn’t been completed. We still have millions of Jews in the Diaspora and the 10 lost tribes, so there’s ways to go. But it’s beginning to happen, and God does that with all His heart and soul!

Michael: Oh, that’s incredible. And Jeremiah 32, this is right after he receives a revelation that his cousin is going to come in to the prison and offer for Jeremiah to buy some land. And he puts the title deeds in an earthen vessel and to bury it in that land, and he says that this is going to happen…

Nehemia: Right.

Michael: …that Israel’s going to come back one day.

Nehemia: And I love that prophesy, because you know, I know where Jeremiah was from and I’ve been to that place, the village of Anathoth. I mean, it’s an incredible image there. They’re buying and selling land, they’re like, “You’re going to want to buy land? This is worthless. The Babylonians are about to take the land.”

Michael: Right, they’ve got the siege wall around Jerusalem.

Nehemia: Right, it’s like buying swampland in Florida, right? What would you want this for? And his point is that this prophesy will be fulfilled…

Michael: Yeah, amen.

Nehemia: … and now we look back and the prophesy has been fulfilled! Now, the nations of the world don’t want this. They’re murmuring and they’re speaking against Yehovah and against His Messiah like it talks about in Psalm 2. I mean, the UNESCO has made this proclamation that “the Jews have no historical connection to Jerusalem.” UNESCO… Jeremiah wrote this! Whether you believe in God or not, there’s no disputing Jeremiah wrote this around 586 BC - we know the date from archaeology - so, he wrote this in 586 BC, and he’s talking there about how God will do this with all His heart and soul, plant the Israelites back in their land. And UNESCO says that there’s no connection between the Jews and the land! What are they talking about? I mean, it’s insanity.

I feel like sometimes I’m in that movie Planet of the Apes. It’s a madhouse in here, a madhouse! I mean, you’re dealing with the United Nations, they’re delusional. I mean, the prophesy is right here.

Michael: And we need to pass a resolution against ignorance and stupidity, but they’d have to jail them all. [laughing]

Nehemia: There would be no members. [laughing] Right, right.

Michael: Okay.

Nehemia: Okay.

Michael: That’s it.

Nehemia: So, Zephaniah 3:9, this is one of the key prophesies in the Bible about the restoration of all things that he talks about in Acts 3:21, “For then I will turn,” “Ki az ehefokh el ha’amim, safa brurah, for then I will turn to the people’s pure language, likro kulam beshem Yehovah l’avdo sh’khem echad, to call all of them upon the name of Yehovah to serve Him…” Literally he says, “one shoulder”. And the image there is everyone is standing shoulder-to-shoulder in a line, serving Yehovah together.

Now, what is the image here in Zephaniah 3:9? When I read this, it’s immediately clear to me that Zephaniah 3:9 is an undoing of the curse of the Tower of Babel. What happened at the Tower of Babel…

Michael: Oh.

Nehemia: … in Genesis is, all the nations came together and they had one language, and that language was Hebrew. And what did they use that Hebrew for? They said, “Let’s build for ourselves a name, and we’ll rebel against God.” And God then scattered them throughout the world and gave them different languages so they couldn’t do that. And He’s saying, “That curse will be undone and in the end of times we’ll all come together once again with a single language, with a pure language, that original Hebrew that was the language of creation. All mankind will speak that language once again, not to build for themselves a name, but to call upon the name of Yehovah to serve Him and not themselves, not to build their tower but to build up the name of Yehovah with one shoulder.”

Michael: Yeah.

Nehemia: And we’re in the beginning of that process, Michael. This can’t happen until first the Jews restore their own language. You know, there was this big debate in the 1800’s in the Jewish world in Europe. There were four daily newspapers in Hebrew. People couldn’t speak Hebrew, but they could read and write in Hebrew.

And people said, “Wait a minute. This isn’t our language. That’s some language of some ancient prophets who are now dead. We should make Yiddish the national language of the Jewish people.” And the Jewish people, as a whole, rejected that. They said, “Yiddish was the language of the exile, the language of the Diaspora, the language of our slavery. We must restore the pure language of the prophets.” And I believe that’s part of what’s going on here, this is part of the prophesy of Zephaniah 3:9. We’re witnessing it happening in front of our eyes, almost in slow motion.

One more prophesy, Michael. Zechariah 14 verse 9. I love this one.

Michael: And this is part of all the prophets have spoken from the beginning.

Nehemia: Right.

Michael: This is the restoration.

Nehemia: This is what Acts 3:21 is about.

Michael: Right. They know this.

Nehemia: Right.

Michael: They know this.

Nehemia: Absolutely. Now, I’ll tell you one of the reasons I love this verse, Michael. It’s actually the closing verse of the daily prayers in traditional Rabbinical Judaism. Now, I was raised as an Orthodox Jew, but at a certain point in my upbringing I’m like, “All these prayers…” I mean, we would have prayers three times a day, every day. And it was prayers by rote, and I would often come at the end because I was ditching. I just couldn’t do it, standing there for 45 minutes, the same prayers, day after day by rote. But I would come to this and it would be sung, it’s part of the Adon Olam. “Vehaya Yehovah lemelech al kol ha’aretz, and it shall come to pass that Yehovah will be King over the entire earth! Bayom hahu ihiyeh Yehovah echad, and on that day Yehovah will be echad, He’ll be One, u’shemo Echad, and His name will be One.”

And the rabbis in the Talmud talk about this - I only discovered this later - that in the Talmud they say, “What does this verse mean, His name will be One?” And I talk about this in my book, Shattering the Conspiracy of Silence. What does it mean, “His name will be One?” They say, today in the exile, instead of saying “Yud-Hey-Vav-Hey” we say “Adonai”. And in the end times we’ll all call upon the name, the entire earth, all mankind, His name will be One. We won’t read the letters “Yud-Hey-Vav-Hey” and speak them as “Adonai”, we’ll speak them the way they’re written, with those vowels, “Yehovah”. And in my teaching I did - and this is in The Gentiles Shall Know My Name teaching - I bring this source, Rabbi Jacob Bachrach from the year 1890, who brings this verse and brings the Talmudic passage.

And he says, “When it says that we’ll read it the way it’s written, it means with the vowels,” which proves back then they knew what the vowels were.

Michael: Knew.

Nehemia: And these are still the true vowels, “Yehovah”. So, what I see happening is that this explosion of information is part of the fulfilment of this prophesy to restore the name, restore the language, restore the people and just restore the truth. It’s part of the restoration of all things. I mean, look, Michael, we’re living in this incredible period, 1,034 Hebrew Bible manuscripts with the name Yehovah. We’ve got all these documents that nobody has studied. The Hebrew scholar in Israel literally told me that they don’t care. They’re not interested. That’s just Christian stuff.

So who knows what treasures are still to be found in the Hebrew Epistle of James, the Hebrew Epistle of Jude, that’s in the British Library.

Michael: Yeah, this is one of the things that we’re doing on the break…

Nehemia: Yeah.

Michael: …going through Jude, the Hebrew Jude. And this is an epistle that really, he’s telling the people to earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. You know, this is part of the restoration, because at the end of the 1st century it was already being lost. Paul, Shaul, had admitted it. All those in Asia had turned away from it. He spent two years and three months at one school, the school of Tyrannus in teaching them, and yet they had turned away from him at that time. He mentions by name the people that have turned away and gone to the dark side, and there in Jude he said that we must earnestly, earnestly contend to restore the faith that was once delivered to the saints, that faith that Yeshua and His disciples, what they were teaching, what they were promulgating was being lost at that time.

And so, if we think in the Christian world, in the Christian Church, that we have the faith once delivered to the saints, that was lost centuries ago, millennia ago. But yet, Yeshua said, “I will declare Your name. I will make it known and I have made it known.” And He said He would send the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth, and that’s why we need the Spirit to lead us into all truth.

As Nehemia’s talking, in Jeremiah, in this prophesy in Jeremiah that he would send fishers and they would fish them out of their exiles, and then he would send hunters and they would hunt them out of the exile. And this is what he was talking about. In the 1800s, there were Jews that were coming back to Israel. They were waking up and coming back to Israel. But most of the Jews in Germany were saying, “We’re more German than we are Jewish,” and they were living like kings in Europe.

Nehemia: Michael, I’m actually going to be giving a lecture at this university, they invited me to come speak about the Holocaust. And I said, “What I really want to share, what’s in my heart, is something I call the ‘lost scrolls of Auschwitz.’” And I had no idea about this until a few years ago. It turns out that some of the Jewish slaves whose job it was to pull the bodies out of the gas chamber and burn them, they wrote their accounts of what happened, and these were discovered by the Poles afterwards in these piles of ashes, and we can read these now, today.

And one of the things they share is how these Jews are about to be put into the gas chambers, and there’s this old rebbetzen, the wife of a rabbi, and she starts, she gets really angry. She said, “Our rabbis have been telling the people, ‘don’t leave,’ that Hungary is our home. We shouldn’t go back to the land of Israel. And now, look what’s happened.” And I pray to Yehovah every day that we don’t have another Holocaust, but there’s a reason that the Jews have a country and a place to flee to. There are Jews today in my neighborhood who come from France. I hear French all over my neighborhood in Jerusalem today.

Michael: Yeah, yeah.

Nehemia: And they’re there as refugees, because if a Jew walks down the streets in France with a kippa and tzitzit who looks like a Jew, he’ll be attacked. You know, there was this liberal, leftist journalist who doubted this, in Malmö, Sweden, and went there, and the person was attacked. And he said, “Okay, the Jews are telling the truth. You can’t live in Europe anymore as a Jew without being attacked,” in these certain areas that have been taken over by other populations.

Michael: Well, the fishers fished them out, Herzl. They fished them out…

Nehemia: Yeah.

Michael: …and then the hunters hunted them out from behind every rock and in every cave. And ladies and gentlemen, part of what happens is Israel comes back into the land, the Gentiles then start coming to Israel from the ends of the earth and crying out in repentance, and the Almighty, because they repent, the Almighty makes His name known. And what is His name? In over 1,000 Hebrew manuscripts…

Nehemia: His name is Yehovah.

Michael: And so, this is the time that the restoration of all things is beginning. And to those believers, that means that Yeshua has to remain in heaven until the restoration of all things, and then the Messiah comes.

Nehemia: Michael, I want to read one last prophesy if we have time, Isaiah 66 verse 20. It’s talking about the nations. It says, “And they will bring all your brothers from the nations as an offering to Yehovah.” The nations are involved…

Michael: Yeah.

Nehemia: … in restoring the Jews and the Israelites to the land of Israel. And when I hear about these organizations that are actually doing this, fulfilling prophesy, I say, “We truly are in this period of things being restored. And I hope soon that we get… I pray soon…” Can I end in prayer?

Michael: Please do.

Nehemia: Yehovah, Avinu shebashamayim, send us your Son! Father, send us the Mashiach, Yehovah. Whoever you have planned, who is Your Son, Yehovah, let us know Him soon. Let Him be here on earth soon to restore all things, to bring that final restoration to the world. In Your Holy name, Yehovah, Amen.

Michael: Amen.

You have been listening to Hebrew Voices with Nehemia Gordon. Thank you for supporting Nehemia Gordon’s Makor Hebrew Foundation. Learn more at NehemiasWall.com.

We hope the above transcript has proven to be a helpful resource in your study. While much effort has been taken to provide you with this transcript, it should be noted that the text has not been reviewed by the speakers and its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. If you would like to support our efforts to transcribe the teachings on NehemiasWall.com, please visit our support page. All donations are tax-deductible (501c3) and help us empower people around the world with the Hebrew sources of their faith!

I'm excited to finally be able to share with you an English translation of the Hebrew manuscript of the Gospels that I discovered in the early 2000's. All those years ago, I was at the National Library of Israel looking through a microfilm of miscellaneous manuscripts photographed at the Vatican Library when I came across three pages of the Gospel of Luke (1:1-35) and one page of the Gospel of John (1:1-13) in Hebrew. The microfilm was part of a what I call a "junk box" containing several hundred loose pages from numerous manuscripts written by different scribes in different periods. At the time, the catalogue of the National Library of Israel did not list the full contents of the Vatican junk box and made no reference to these Hebrew Gospels. The Vatican Library recently published color photographs of these documents on it's website, opening the door for me to share this with the world.

To help you study these fascinating manuscripts, I created a PDF with the full Hebrew transcription and English translation with links to the color photos on the Vatican website, which you can download.

Makor Hebrew Foundation is a 501c3 tax-deductible not for profit organization.

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  • Henry II says:

    The Vulgata text reads ”in principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat apud Deum’ The Hebrew text here seems to be a translation from Latin into Hebrew, not the Hebrew source. I think that the Hebrew grammar would be slightly different here. Especially the Latin ‘apud’ is suspicious in my eyes. Still, nice to find these forgotten texts.

  • micheal menard says:

    i don’t want to see the english translation of the hebrew: luke and john . i want to see the hebrew writings of luke and john.

  • Shaun T. says:

    What is this? How am I just now hearing about this? How old are these manuscripts? Why is all of biblical academia not talking about this?

  • peter smallwood says:

    I was asked a question about the video you made about the Vatican junk box regarding john 1 v 1 someone asked how old is that manuscript
    did you ever make a video just reading the verse 1 without shopping to chat as some think because i paused it they assume i edited out words,
    thanks peter from the uk

  • Timothy Wares says:

    I have a question for you Nehemia, hopefully you see this. In John 1:1 where it says Elohim And Elohim, is that meaning to say: God and God, or God and gods? Or perhaps even God of Hosts/God of gods?
    Is there any precedence to the usage/meaning of Elohim And Elohim?

  • Van Vannoy says:

    Two very important questions from the “christian” perspective that came up for me in Acts from this great video you did last year and i just watched again for umpteenth time:

    1. What is your definition of “be baptized”… from a Hebrew historical context? (Acts 2:37). I’m wondering if it really means something to the effect of accepting the teachings/lifestyle/character?? of the person/diety yiu are being baptized into?

    2. Could “the law” taught by Gamaliel in Acts 5:34 be referring to the Oral Torah rather than the real Torah. If so, then could same be true when Paul talks about “the Law” causing the confusion that Yeshua did away with requirement of keeping Torah (which of course was exactly opposite of what He taught)?

    Your teachings on Hebrew roots have been life changing. Keep up the good work.

  • James lundrigan says:

    blessings to you in Yehovah’s great name!
    i have a question, when i was listen to you read this john in the hebrew and traslated it, i notice that it read how Yeshua was “next to” Yehovah. but I noticed as you were reading that I did not hear you read “and the word was Yehovah/God” does that line not exist in the hebrew manuscripts? thank you brother! blessings and peace to you!

  • David Heilbron Price says:

    Nehemia, can you be more enthusiastic at these wonderful finds?? Probably not. Nor can I! Many, many thanks for the detailed background about the Vatican ‘odds and ends’ box and most of all for your transcript and translation. Let’s hope there are more discoveries to come.

  • Another Traveller says:

    The original Hebrew language was written with pictographic letters. The pictograhic letters reveal the basis for the meaning of a Hebrew word. Elohim, mostly translated as God, is made up of Aleph, depicted as a bulls head, Lamed, a shepherd’s crook, Hey, a stick image of a man holding his hands up in the air, Yod, an arm with a hand about to grip hold of something, Mem, a picture of a wave in linear form with up and down lines.
    The composite meaning of the word could be seen as:
    The authoritative Teacher that Reveals the GenerationS i.e. (what flows in time – water, blood and offspring)

    Other various but representative interpretations of those picture letters would be equally valid

  • Michael R. Davenport says:

    Wow! Thrilling information! I love it! What an amazing find! Some of the church people will not be happy though, because they have replaced the Almighty with His Son. I will get back to you soon for more info. Thank you so much!

  • David O. Fredin says:

    Dear Nehemiah, I have read the the begining of Johns gospel, the Catalonian version. The text actual read:
    “In the begining was the son of Eloha, and the son of El with ha-El: and so ha-El was Eloha”. (That is by representation of the son, God acted, showed his power).

    The word וכן is clear, the secvond letter is a caf not a bet. It reads “and so”, not “and the son”.

    In hebrew:
    בתחילה היה בנ אלוה, ובנ האל עם האל, וכן האל היה אלוה

    To my disgust the translation on hebrewgospels.com “translated” the prologue of John like

    “In the begining the son of God was Eloha, the son of El was both with El, and the son of El was Eloha”.

    This is not even a translation, it is a falsification of easy hebrew!

    Dear Nehemiah, please put peoples attention to the facts I pointed to above.

    With regards
    David O. Fredin

  • Shawn says:

    Really surprised that there was no mention of the ‘ghost’ letters on the scans of the pages… whether or not they’ve been analyzed.

  • JC says:

    John 6:4 is a 3rd person verse added because of translation from Hebrew to Greek or because the Greek writer was unfamiliar with the Jewish feasts , Ezekiel 1:3 is 2nd person but no translation excuse? Daniel 1- 6 unknown speaker + Nebuchadnezzar speaks in 1st person but not debated by Christians or explained by Jews? even more shocking the sign of Dove(Jonah) could refer to pentecost or even the fall of Nineveh just as Jonah warned which refers to Jesus warning of the destruction of Jerusalem that happened in 70. Everybody out there MUST READ THIS, Hitler was a Roman Catholic and Catholics are not Christians!!!”

  • Michael Jacobs says:

    I have a question: How can we be certain that this Hebrew Luke Gospel or the Gospel of John are not late translations of the Greek manuscripts? Maybe could be done a carbon 14 test? Or some other time test? I am very suspicious to see a manuscript written with vowels and come from the first or second century A.D. As I know the vowels were invented and put by scribes between 500-1000 A.D. in the Hebrew text.

    • Michael Tom says:

      I have a painting my grandmother painted when I was 16. After my mother passed away I received it, I took it in to have a frame made for it. The owner asked me about it and I told him its story. He said he knew my story was true because the company who made the canvas it was painted on went out of business in the early 70’s.

      I tell you this story because we don’t need to carbon date everything to know when it was written. No living language is ‘static’. Hebrew has not stayed the same over the centuries no more than English or any other langer. So, the language itself, the paper, the ink, the writing style, and so much more tell us when it was written. My understanding is that carbon dating is not always accurate and gives a wide variance of when it ‘might’ have been made. It’s not like it pinpoints a specific date. And, if you carbon date something you destroy a portion of it in order to do the test.

      • Dr. Ramon Argila de Torres y Sandoval says:

        Carbon 14 has traditionally been used to date object for which a suspected date is available as a check. For example; we believe that occurred in 100 BC, we found organic remains at the site and C14 indicates the age of the objects found correlate to 100 BC.

    • daniel says:

      No one is claiming this is a 1st or 2nd C manuscript. It’s obviously a copy of a copy of a copy, (etc., etc.), but from a different recension of known Gr. manuscripts, and maintains Hebraisms. When Nehemia said he didn’t know if this was ‘the original Hebrew’, I’m quite sure he meant the original words, verbatim, preserved down thru the many copies.

  • Michael Jacobs says:

    The prosbul was instituted by Hillel. The Mishnah states that when he saw that the people refrained from giving loans one to another before the Sabbatical Year, thereby transgressing “Beware that there be not a base thought in thy heart,” etc. (Deut. 15:9), he instituted the prosbul (Shev. 9:3). The Talmud therefore explained prosbul as pruz buli u-buti, meaning an advantage for both the rich and poor. It benefited the rich since it secured their loans, and the poor since it enabled them to borrow (Git. 37a).

  • Nehemiah; is there a list/catalogue available of these Hebrew gospels with information on where they were found, there approximate age, names of translators if possible, etc etc. From what Michael says at the beginning they are not the work of Shem Tov but it would be nice to know who or at least a little more.

  • Theresa Sylvester says:

    It is being said that verses 1st John 5:7-8 were added please expound on this please.

  • John Delgado says:

    As a child I would ask my dad how is it 3 days an 3 nites(Christian Easter) I would ask what is God’s name. While in prison I found these answers, but I found in Strongs Concordance
    1943hovah another form for 1942 means ruin an mischief, 3050Yah means Lord, most vehement.
    I stumble on this, Please help me understand.
    I use bible verse John14:10,11 “I am in the father an the father in me” so wouldn’t it be pronounced as so??
    (spelled as I pronounce)
    Yahshuwah + Yahowah= Yahoshuwah
    Son in Father Father in Son
    I’m Greatfull for your programming, forgiving me “Teacher” I am not as educated as most but I want to serve, as you an Mr Rood serve God
    Thank you

    • auntganny says:

      God (Elohim)’s name is “Yehovah”. Strong OT# 3068. ‘Yah’ is a poetic form of Yehovah’s Name. When we sing Hallelujah in music, we are actually singing Hallelu-Yah….”praise Yehovah”. Also, In Hebrew, the ‘Vav’ is not pronounce as a ‘W’ but as a ‘V’.

      His Son’s name is “Yehowshu`a” or I write it Yeho-shua, which means Yehovah Saves. The shortened form of it is Y’shua, or in the Aramaic language, “Yeshua”.

      OT:3068 Yehovah (yeh-ho-vaw’); from OT:1961; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God:

      OT:3088 Yehowshuwa` (yeh-ho-shoo’-ah); or Yehowshu`a (yeh-ho-shoo’-ah); from OT:3068 and OT:3467; Jehovah-saved; Jehoshua (i.e. Joshua), the Jewish leader: -Jehoshua, Jehoshuah, Joshua….(Ed. as well as the complete name of Jesus in Hebrew)

      (Biblesoft’s New Exhaustive Strong’s Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary. Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006, 2010 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)

      Maybe someone else will be able to explain better, and I hope you can get all your questions answered.

  • Han & Hanny says:

    thank you so much for giving us the translation of the gospels from Hebrew. Please is there a Hebrew version of John 6:53-55 for you to translate into English?? We really want to understand that part. since we believe Yeshua speaks about Pesach, not a “holy communion” the church made of it. Besides that both the Tenach and the Britt Hadashah forbid the drinking of blood. . So why would yeshua order his disciples to do so figuratively? Hope you can shed some light on this bible verse .we would like to get insight on the Hebrew linguistics of that part. shalom from the Netherlands Han & Hanny.

  • Thank you for the presentation and also the PDF with Vatican Library links! I checked them out, and found the name Yeshua and Yehovah a few times already- so cool. I can’t wait for more information to come out about these manuscripts!

  • Beverley A Kazmierczak says:

    I belive that all book of holy word was is in Hebrew, before dump dumpmade took it over

  • YadaYah says:

    I obtained a Hebrew copy of the NT published by England for converting Jews to Chrtianity in 1981. It looks just like a Harkavay (font type/ paper/binding/etc)… I heard what NT says when it says Jesus said “they’ll always be hearing, and never perceiving”… and I noticed how without the jots/tittles the same base words are rendered a dozen different ways. So I have been wrestling with the OT Hebrew in my Harkavays and Readers Hebrew bibles for a bit trying to find His Words and understand what they mean.

    I open up this Hebrew NT and feel slapped in the face, it was published in 1981 – I was 6 – I open it up and its soooooo easy to read right from the start in Hebrew – the English is saying The Sermon on the Mount, but the Hebrew is saying He is The Son of Man, He is The Monorah, He is The Light, He is Olam, on and on and on – where the translator found all these words hiding to make them fit “the script” somehow i do not know – when I go to the 5 books I have to dig deep to even find 1… they’re all in Genesis but Jesus seemed to be giving His Sermon very specifically on The Law and right after blessings, He goes into 10 commandments and then refers to the cursings as “woes”… He is disputing the entire theology of the OT. Idk what to do with this 81 yet – just the Hebrew that started as Hebrew is a spiritual wrestling trying to engage – adding to it Greek that very strongly seems to be from Hebrew, retranslated from Greek back to alledged Hebrew representing the English better than the Greek does – aRgggghH for real – i wanna cry. you would think any translator would use the words in the passage of scripture Jesus is specifically referencing (for instance אשר is found in OT as blessed, but not in the blessings… ברך is used…) this is 1 of 3 i checked before i gave up for the night, grabbed a bottle of wine and ranted at God for a few hours in prayer while attempting to suppress emoting scorny bent Isaiah meets youtube ranter posts on my Facebook. My brain hurts and my heart hurts more. ?

    • YadaYah says:

      please please please can you do a post on early Jewish theology and THE SON OF MAN – Joseph is referred to S.o.M. in Genesis in the base words clear as day: בן אדם – this is a big deal cuz the S.o.M echos the egyptians savior (which we all know with Joseph and Ham (or 1 of Noahs sons), then Solomon influences on their theologies over Yah’s Times, that doesnt NOT make sense at all… but i haven’t seen anything to help me understand what Israel heard really when Jesus said He was The Son of Man.

      • auntganny says:

        YadaYah, did you ever get any help on your questions? Are you doing okay now, or still greatly confused?

      • Milton D Beattie says:

        If you want to know and Understand about THE Son of Man term Jesus referred to Himself as, you will need to read Enoch!!!

        The First Scripture for the Last Time!!!

        Being Restored by YHWH Now!

        Here is a link to Enoch at Chapter 46 where the Son of Man is described.

        (btw don’t bother with 2 or 3 Enoch. One Enoch is legit short of the Aramaic DSS of it being revealed to tidy up what we have in Ethiopic from Greek ancient manuscripts.)

    • Warren says:

      Yeah that’s what I would probably feel like too after spending so much time tripping about words. I am honestly starting to miss the days I knew nothing about “Greek Primacy”, or “Arabic primacy”, or whether I should say “Holy” or ” Set apart”. It was so much simpler when I just read Jesus’ words from my KJV NT and was learning about how He wanted me to live.

    • Richard Rapier says:

      Thanks for being honest and being yourself. You express the frustration felt by many who seek truth

    • daniel says:

      I can only imagine your level of frustration – but feel much the same way without having come from the same place!

  • Yeshayah says:

    Nehemiah makes a good point about the word “ormah”. I am reading through Yehoshua, and in chapter 9 we find that the inhabitants of Givon acted בערמה which is translated as slyly, the exact opposite of what Zecharyah and Elisheva are being commended for, namely being righteous בלתי ערמה. Pretty cool to see!

  • Chaver says:

    Any idea of the date this may have been written?

    • Michael Jacobs says:

      Vowel and cantillation marks were added to the older consonantal layer of the Bible between 600 CE and the beginning of the 10th century. The scholars who preserved the pronunciation of the Bibles were known as the Masoretes. These junk scripts can only be far later versions of the Greek texts.

  • Nehemia, you mention that Rashi tells a story of Abram breaking up his father’s idols. That story is found in Sefer ha-Yashar. I have listened to your commentary on the “Book of Jasher” that you do not believe that it is authentic because it is referred to in the book of Joshua and yet there are references to historical events that occurred well after Joshua’s time. Do this same logic not also apply to Torah? You state in your commentary of Jasher that you believe that Moses wrote all the books of Torah yet there are events that are described that occurred after the death of Moses.

    Sefer ha-Yashar is not Torah. There is no prohibition against adding to or taking away from so it is not law, however there is information to be gleaned – especially as it pertains to Nimrod and the pagan feasts that were created to honor Ha Satan that are being practices to this day by people calling themselves “Christian” but who are truly “Constantine Christians” for the follow the teachings of the pagan Roman Emperor Constantine rather than the teachings of Yeshua ben Yahovah.

    There is also good information regarding the Melchizadek priesthood (not the false one proclaimed by the Mormons) that was passed from Adam to Noah’s son Shem who because king of Salem (Jerusalem) and how Abram was sent to live with Noah and his son’s after Nimrod sought to have the infant killed after his prophets saw a sign after leaving the home of Terah after the birth of Abram. It also tells what happened to Lot’s father and why Abram felt the need to watch over his brother’s son.

    The Melchizadek priesthood was passed down to Abraham by Shem (called Melchizadek – it is a title and not a name) after the rescue of Lot and the defeat of the kings that had raided the land. Shem paid a 10th of the spoils to Abraham and passed on the priesthood that eventually died out and was replaced by the temporary Aaronic priesthood until it was restored and was passed on to Yeshua ben Yahovah (where it will not depart).

    My thoughts regarding the Sefer ha-Yashar is that it is a historical record that someone felt the need to update throughout history as best they could. But if Rashi references it (Abram and his father’s idols), then why not read it but remember that Torah is the foundation of our faith and the true Word of Yahovah and, if there is anything contained in the Sefer ha-Yashar that deviates from Torah, then Torah wins!

    • Milton D Beattie says:

      Have you ever figured out why the genealogy in Gen 5 and later has Methuselah out living the flood?

      This is key to what you are thinking above.

      Ancient texts have different datings and all agree that Methuselah did die before the flood as the Bible says in words but violates in dates.

      These tweaked dates are also why the secular records don’t line up with Biblical records.

      A video on that you may find amazing is Patterns of Evidence.

      It will affirm your trust of the historical record in Scripture MUCH!!!

  • Ann Marie Watson says:

    This was such a wonderful podcast, I had to listen to it again. Thank you again. Yehovah is truly moving among His people and calling them by name.

  • Jan says:

    Wow Saint is Catholic word, we should use Hebrew Kedoshim, or Holy Ones.

  • Hello Nehemia:
    Thank you for sharing the information regarding the Hebrew testimony (gospel) fragments. I’m eagerly looking forward to more on the Hebrew fragments from the other New Testament books you uncovered.
    I am curious to know in each case if these look to you be translations from the Greek or reflect a Hebrew-to-Hebrew text transmission independent of the Greek. I’m also curious if there’s anything we can glean about their age, if they come from a single library and the type of Jew or Jews responsible for their existence. Presumably they were confiscated by the Catholics from people forfeiting their belongings.
    Jews remaining literate of Hebrew, yet cradling the message of the New Testament, though largely hidden, will never go extinct–for which we can all be grateful.

  • Lia Dexter says:

    A quick question — Gospel of Yochanan v 6 — why did you translate Elohim as God there and elsewhere it is Elohim? My Hebrew is limited so I may be misreading/misinterpreting
    Thank you so much – exciting material

  • Gregg W says:

    Nehemia, Watching this again (3rd or so time). It dawns on me now, if you found 1 page from the gospel of John in the junk box, the Vatican should have the rest of the book there somewhere. This page fell out and was tossed in the box, but where is the book it came out of? I so pray Yehovah will cause that and more to be released to the world soon! Yehovah bless you for all the great work you are doing and have done. I am so glad I was led to hear you speak and get your books several years ago. These revelations have changed my life. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  • ytl says:

    thanks for all your teachings. Much appreciated.

  • Ann Marie Watson says:

    As always you are my hero, my teacher, a profit sent to us in modern times to bring us back to the truth of our Fathers. Thank you for answering the call.

  • Adri Kruger says:

    Ze tov…toda raba

  • James Mathis says:

    Ok so we have maybe have a manuscript, real or memorex, recorded 70+yrs after supposed accessions of The savior? REALLY??

  • Dave Christensen says:

    In your audio, you skipped over the sentence:

    “And Elohim, he was the Word.”

    This is the one that the Trinitarians give us trouble with.
    Can you explain it?

    • peter smallwood says:

      Well to me, if he never read it, then it was not there as you can see he did read all of it, the bible is Trinitarian anyway it alters lots of verse to turn Jesus into god

  • miriam says:

    Well I can tell you that document 1r[04.fs.000] is from Jeremiah 13 and 1v[02.fs.000] is in German and filmed upside down! Interesting stuff. Shalom.

  • William Black says:

    My soul was dancing as I listened!
    As u xplained meaning of word in Hebrew about ..next to….my mind goes to seeing TORAH as an entity, not just precpts being written down as just words on scrolls.
    So I picture TORAH…along side of YEHOVAH ….”in the beginning”….as the monitor of all creation.
    Also see John 1:1……In Ber’ashite (sp) in a different concept.

    As I understand, WORD to any Hebrew, would be..TORAH.

    Thus …In the beginning was ..the (specific) WORD….Torah

    And the WORD..TORAH..was with YEHOVAH…

    And the WORD was YEHOVAH…

    The same…TORAH…was “in the beginning” with—-duuhhhh—-YEHOVAH..

    NOW a problem…

    Vs3….All things were made by him…him not being in caps signifying YEHOVAH…so is the “him” TORAH as an entity or just a poor translationor is it YEHOVAH?
    Your thoughts appreciated!

  • Elisheva Burke says:

    Thank you Nehemia for sharing with us. It’s precious Elizabeth Burke.

  • Angela Mackinnon says:

    Thank you! Very exciting!!!

  • Danny says:

    Nehemia your prayer at the end brought chills to me asking for Yehovah to soon send forth his Son to finish the restoration of all things wow.

  • Anita Tadeuszow says:

    May your prayer be answered soon! Thank-you for sharing your discovery.

  • Karen Powell says:

    Sorry if this offends some but history can be offensive.The Catholic/Church of Rome was opposed to Scriptural Sabbath keeping Christains and use to hunt Christains down to wipe them out.Just like the Nazi’s use to hunt down the Jews,kill them, and take they’reart,gold,possessions. (So that you might understand the caution) Scriptural Sabbath Keeping Christains typically do not view themselves as having anything to do with Catholism or it’s daugthers. The Roman Church would hunt them down,kill them, and take they’re scrptures.(booty)So the Christains became very secretive and basically were very selective of who they shared they’re scriptues with ( because of the persecution and threats to life) and basically went underground. Some Scriptual Chistains might only give out a page or a verse to someone they might want to share the scriptures with.Sometimes,secretly passing pages off.This could be one of those items that were taken from such Sabbath Keepers or individuals they passed them to.So you may not have a full book in Hebrew.But, it’s nice that there is evidence of it being in Hebrew.

  • Marsha Bolton says:


  • Joseph says:

    Fascinating. Could someone point me to a teaching about phonetic and pronunciation rules that preclude the pronunciation of the Holy Name from being Yehowah or Yehuwah? Basically, I’m curious about the “vav” vs. “waw” arguments. I’ve seen a few arguments on both sides, but I’m still not settled on it myself.

  • Ross Boraan says:

    All I can say is, WOW! AMAZING! Thank you, Nehemiah Gordon

  • Laura Olson says:

    The vowels being present, show these two gospels to be less than a thousand years old, right?

  • Kyle Bond says:

    These findings unveil more truth that the disciples would have first written the letters in Hebrew and that these things were hidden for a reason. All glory to Yehovah for unmasking these treasures and using you to do so. His plan can not be stopped!

  • Stan Spence says:

    Love this, can’t get enough. can you post and ‘roughly’ translate your found John & Luke documents like you did the first 2 chapters you found of Revelation?

    Nehemiah, you say you blessed but we are also blessed by your findings to get even closer to YehoVaH more and more every day.

  • Steve says:

    I tried to post this earlier, so please pardon any duplicate: Do we have any provenance for these extant texts — what year they date to for starters? Great finds!

  • Steve says:

    Do we have provenance information for these texts — what century these extant texts from etc.? Great find!

  • Kelvin says:

    To YAH be all the glory, honor and praise forever and ever…Amein!

  • Caitlin House says:

    I saw this on Shabbat Night Live. So exciting!!! Praise YeHoVaH!

  • Craig Clugston says:

    Keep up the good work may Yahova Bless you. Please do more of the hebrew gospels.

    • Nick says:

      Not trying to be a critic, but Nehemia’s research on the Tetragrammaton should lead one to understand that first vowel in the Name is the Hebrew letter “Shva” and pronounced in English with a short “e” sound, as in the Hebrew names Yehonatan, Yehoshua, etc. — not a short “a” sound. Shalom.

      • Anita Tadeuszow says:

        Sheva is neither a consonant nor a vowel… and it is a short “e” sound (transliterated as an upside down e).

  • Walter Dolen says:

    Very important information. Someone needs to search the archives (without letting them know what you are looking for) and search out the actual books these leaves came from. I thought that IBM had already digitalized the Vatican’s archive.

  • RoseAnne Lindsay says:

    Wow, Nehemia! You have brought me to tears! Seeing these 2 gospels in Hebrew is so inspiring & touching! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your work on these manuscript pages & for sharing them with us! Such a blessing!!!

  • Simon says:

    If you found these in early 2000s , why has it been so long to come to light.

    • Jacob Rigal says:

      Access to the manuscripts has been limited by technology until recently. As Nehemiah said on Shabbat night live, he saw them on micro-film, but didn’t have access to high quality photos until recently.

  • mikesayen says:

    Can you also decipher a better translation of the Hebrew Matthew?

  • Thomas says:

    Thank you Nehemiah. I look forward to much much more.

  • Lori Young says:

    I have been reading text about the virgin birth. And in this document there seems to be the error. Miryam is said by Gabriel to be pregnant, then miryam says she hasnt known a man. Matthew and Luke are the only places the virgin birth is mentioned and Isaiah 7:14 is not about the virgin birth of Yeshua. Am i misunderstanding this text?

    • Stan Spence says:

      Septuagint says “Look, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and you shall name him Emmanouel.”

    • David Heilbron Price says:

      The word ‘aish’ =man here may be taken as husband. Thus she is saying I have not known my husband sexually. Mariam was married= betrothed v27, equivalent to modern marriage and requiring divorce (get) to break. v31 Behold you are pregnant may be prophetic present, indicating she had had 3 regular periods and was therefore considered fertile and legally fit to bear a child (niddah rules). Or ‘Behold, a pregnant woman!’ and who ‘will birth a son’.

  • Angela says:

    Nehemia thank You so much for sharing those manuscripts in Hebrew, what a gift. To see both names YEshua and YHVH in the gospels of Luke and John and to hear their pronunciation in Hebrew is a complete Privilege!
    Elohim continue blessing and using you to teach us!,,!

    • auntganny says:

      Angela, it is really exciting to see the Hebrew writing and translation here. If you can find a copy of the Aramaic English New Testament which comes from the Eastern Manuscripts, you will also find YHVH/Yehovah all over the place in the New Testament….such a blessing to read and at times astonishing to see the relationship between Yeshua and Yehovah.

  • Yvonne says:

    Nehemia: So thrilled to have these documents. You are so loved.

  • Wellington says:

    Hello Nehemia. I know you prefer to stay out of the theological issues. But what does it really say at John 1:1 according to the hebrew grammar? It is not a matter of taking sides, just please let us know what exactly is in the text. Thankyou for your great job anyway. All the best!

  • litolabrador says:

    Wondering what insight you may have regarding the Hebrew version of John 1:1 – Particularly, your rendering ‘And Elohim, he was the
    Word.’ Does this, in your thinking, further the teaching of Yeshua’s deity?

    • That’s a theological issue, not a textual one. I stay out of theological issues.

      • litolabrador says:

        Fair enough…

        Do we have other textual examples in Hebrew texts where 2 different ‘things’ are equated as the same thing and is there a linguistic rule for such occurrences?

        Thanks Nehemiah. Appreciate your time.

  • memoca07 says:

    How to interpreter “And Elohim, he was the word” ? the this was in the beginning Next to Elohim?

    • Jacob Rigal says:

      YHVH Is Spirit/Breath. It’s hard to speak without breathing. Words are actually compression waves of breath/air, and so the Word is God’s Breath (That’s Him!) moved by his Speech in such a way as to create the Universe. Therefore, the Word(s) He spoke are also His Spirit, so it’s Him, echad!, just configured so you and I can see, smell, and handle(!). Every atom and molecule is part of God. So, Gen. 1:1-1:2 can solve your question. It doesn’t have to be theological, it can just be logical and natural.

  • Ken says:

    What a feast! I am as excited and as emotional as a little child to have received all of these blessings through you and your work. The Bible is the Bedrock. It is the only possible foundation. I am having a good Shabbat. Toda raba Nehemia.

  • Jim Beas says:

    May Yehovah be with you! I agree with you that these times are the most exciting to be alive, outside of being at Mt sinai and hearing the voice of Yehovah. Praying for you.

  • UKJ says:

    Yochanan one verse 10

    He was in the world and the world was made through him.


    I do have a question:”The world was made through him”
    Can the word “through” have more than one meaning?
    Could it be translated as “for”? And the world was made for him?

    Thank you!

  • Rebekah says:

    This is very exciting!. I am always humbled by your Hard unendiing labor for Truth and Wisdom. Wherever you find it and whatever your beliefs you don’t let that stop you. With Admiration, Thank You Nehemiah

  • UKJ says:

    Yehovah hears prayers.

    What can I say but Thank You!

  • Having found ancient fragments of these “gospels” written in Hebrew does not make the tales they tell any more true or validate them.

    • Bob Blair says:

      I eat a good meal when I am hungry to sustain me physically. Hunger is a truth that does not need validating; it shows up three times a day. I study God’s word to sustain me spiritually because I hunger and thirst after righteousness. Nehemia’s findings are a great sustenance. Taste and see that the Lord (Yehovah) is good.

  • Stephen Feinstein says:

    Any idea of a date of composition on this Hebrew Gospel

    • Michael Jacobs says:

      Hebrew uses the original alphabet, which was invented for Hebrew or a close cousin to it. As with other Semitic languages, only the consonants were written down (no vowels). Around 700 ce, various systems for writing vowels were developed for Semitic languages, with each language developing distinct vowel symbols.

  • Thank you for ALL you do. To share with you, I use to read the 1st 13 verses of John over and over when I was a kid. It was like poetry to me. Now, to hear you read it in Hebrew and see it written in Hebrew, it made my heart soar. And the place from where you found this manuscript, I can’t help but laugh. HaShem has such a sense of humor. It was placed there just for you to find. And to see Luke in Hebrew it is so awesome. LOVE IT.

  • Steve says:

    I always enjoy your work!

  • Darlene DeSilva says:

    Thank you so much for the money, time, and all the emotion garage that must come your way as you put truth out there for people to see. I am so excited to see the clarity that the Hebrew language can bring to these gospels. Thank you, thank you. Bless you.

  • Gidon Ariel says:

    Nehemiah, very interesting! WHen can we ge together again? Where are you based nowadays?

  • Leyla Rishmawy says:

    This is so amazing, the true is coming to ligth Hallelu Yah

  • auntganny says:

    Oh my!!!!! I KNEW the New Testament had to be in Hebrew first! I am beside myself with excitement!!!! And anticipation!!! Bless you, Nehemia, if you even knew how many lovers of Yehovah are praying for you as you search for these manuscripts that have been hidden for 2000 years. But it is time for them to be found. It must be Yehovah’s time. How amazing and exciting! Blessings be upon the Name of Yehovah forever for this mercy!!!

  • Gregg W says:

    Nehemia, I am so thrilled that you are sharing these finds! I have wished and prayed for years that Hebrew versions of the gospels would be discovered. I believe the originals were penned in Hebrew and not Greek or Aramaic. I realize these are not the originals but they can reveal some of the flavor of them.

    What shocks me is that there are already people in the Messianic realm who are scoffing at these as frauds!!???? Unbelievable, you always make yourself clear when describing what you’ve found and I’ve never heard you make an outlandish claim. Stubborn, stiff-necked people refuse to see and hear what YEHOVAH is clearly bringing to light. My God!

    Either way, YEHOVAH bless you for continuing to do what you do! You are a great blessing to the followers of YHVH and yes, to believers in Yeshua!

    • auntganny says:

      Amen! We are waiting with bated breath! So disappointed not to have verse 14 in this first chapter of John, but I know Yehovah will reveal that one, too, in time.Really curious to see what it says….