The Open Door Series

Open Door Series, Keith Johnson, Nehemia Gordon, god's name, name of god, hebrew matthew, hebrew gospel of matthew, how to pronounce god's name, what is god's name, Yehovah, yhvh, yhwhThe entire Open Door Series is now online for free viewing. This is the best eighteen hours of teaching I have ever participated in (nine hours of me and nine hours of Keith Johnson). The series was recorded at three conferences throughout 2011, the first of which was held in Dallas over Shavuot. These teachings were unscripted and things happened that no one expected, even us. Watch as Heaven gets involved and things unfold before your very eyes! I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't been there, but now it's captured on video for the whole world to see.

Click on the links below to start watching the series!
Makor Hebrew Foundation is a 501c3 tax-deductible not for profit organization.

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  • Zaida says:

    Are the 613 commandments rabbinical and are we to obey today as a messianic believer?

    • Richard KeithCoplin says:

      The old testament saints needed a lamb for salvation and saints today need a lamb. But then an animal , today Yeshua. So, be careful how you obey Torah.

  • Robin Palmer says:

    I have just now been lead to this teaching that you and Keith Johnson have done through the open door series. Thank you so much! Yehovah has been speaking to my heart about this for some time and it is so thrilling to hear the confirmation and the clarification to what I have been lead to study through His promptings. I am so excited I am about to burst! Now, the hard part is to apply it to my life and see where He wants me to go and what am I to do with it. Your prayers are appreciated. Thanks again for your listening ear and willingness to do as He has instructed.

  • Samantha washman says:

    Neheniah, I herd you mention bala . I couldn’t help notice the similarities ;between some ideation of Christian belief that god had disappeared and the son is now god . Did he talk to himself in the garden ? Only his father would know the day and the hour?? He was one and the same with his disciples as he is one with God? He is at the right hand of Yehova?…Soo many contradictions…they teach that the tanch was done away with but Yeshua said no one can come to me but threw my father. The government of God is in the first paragraph of revelations.
    Then he who was ,he who is and he who is to come from revelations remind me of Yehovah explicit name. Wow!! I think I just developed ADHD lol !!!
    Thinking of revelations I thought of the spirit of 7 churches along the ancient mailing route. Could you send me some reputible links to the ancient dieties mentioned in revelations in regards to these churches. I feel like you have dropped ginger bread crumbs. Leading me down a path of truth I just want to look see

    • Jarvis N Turner says:

      Jesus never proclaimed he was God, but he did proclaim that he is the Messiah. Jesus has the authority of God on earth (to judge and save). Notice the scriptures say all authority has been given to Jesus, then when the new heaven and earth come, all authority will be given (back) to the Father. Jesus has consistently said, Yehovah Saves.

      • Terri Tom says:

        Yeshua did claim to be God. “I and my father are one”, “I was with my father from the beginning,” are both claiming to be God. He claimed to be the son of God. When you’re claiming to be the son of God you’re claiming equality with God. In John 10:33 the Jews were going to stone Him. Why? Because He claimed to be God.

        Wait! There’s more. Jews in Yeshua’s day knew from Scripture that the Messiah would be divine. And that He would prove it by the miracles He would do; specifically, 3 miracles that were acknowledged only the Messiah – who would be God in the flesh – could do: Healing a man born blind, cleansing a leper, and raising a man from the dead who had been dead 3 days. Yeshua did these miracles and they screamed loud and clear to every leader who knew the Scriptures that He was the Messiah – the Son of God, God Himself in the Flesh.

        That’s not all but it’s enough to get you searching Scripture to see if I’m right or not.

        Shabbat Shalom!

        • Dina Harper says:

          I believe Yeshua was divine but not God the Father. Just look what he told Mary when he had not ascended to His Father. (Would God call the disciples his brethren? That’s what Yeshua called them! See John 20:17 and Matthew 23:8. And would he say tell them I am ascending to their God and my God if he were God?? Again in John 20:17) When 2 people become married they are said to be one – They are one in purpose- His will and your will are the same… well in ideal sense- anyway! Lol! Look back at Zechariah 3. Look at different translations- no wonder it will take 1000 years to teach us and get the Egypt completely out of us. So many deceptive teachings – the Trinity pushed down our throats… why… so Hasatan can accuse us of breaking the first 2 commandments. We need 1000 years so that when the kingdom is handed back to YHVH AFTER YESHUA HAS TAUGHT US TORAH WE WILL NOT BE UTTERLY CONSUMED DUE TO WRONG WORSHIP as Aaron’s sons were destroyed. Jew and Gentile one in Messiah- can that happen when Messiah is revered equally with YHVH??? It is through our precious Rabbi, King, Priest, Prophet and brother that we can enter in to Yah’s kingdom – He is the door, the way, the truth!!

  • Dolores Gail Moore says:

    What are the 7 Spirits of Yah? I keep reading over and over Isaiah 11:2
    I don’t count 7? Help please I’m confused?

  • Norman Campbell says:

    Could you examine Lev. 23; 27-32 which shows that a day is 12 hours, as the evening to evening falls between 9th and 10th of the seventh month? Thanks much… YEHOVAH- SHALOM

  • Ben Campbell says:

    I am somebody who has a fairly decent knowledge of the New Testament. But the Old Testament is something that I’m trying to learn more about in to educate myself more about. These DVDs series have helped me a great deal. Thank you.

    • Robert Moore says:

      As I discover every day as I continue in my studies of Tanakh, you don’t have a decent knowledge of the New Testament until you have a decent understanding of the so-called ‘old’.

  • Mel says:

    I want to watch the video that I started watching on iTunes about what the Rabi said as he was going into the gas chamber in Germany.
    Can’t find it
    I love the teachings that I’ve seen of yours before, so exciting to Benidorm from your years of study and research!

  • Donna Pingry says:

    I find your teaching about the Hebrew Yeshua in Matthew amazing. I am hungry for more truth. Is their an interlinear English/ Hebrew Torah that isn’t based on the Oral Law? Thank you so much.

  • Willey mangrobang says:

    I’ve started to let his name be known I’m ready to learn more of the truth I’m ready for the fight I’m ready for Yehovah to use me for his glory

  • Barbara Jayne says:

    To hell and back – So powerful. Thank you.

  • Charles Reneau says:

    Nehemia I am really impressed with how sincere you are as you present the Bible teaching to us. The other thing I have noticed and am touched by is your sincereness with you pray.
    Thank you for your love for us gentiles that you would share truth with us. Happy Day!

  • Dalton Pyron says:

    Nehemia, do you have any mp3 downloads where you specifically address the fallacies of the Oral Torah? I’m working on converting to Karaite Judaism and I would like to hear more about the subject of the Oral Law from a Karaite’s perspective.

    • Stephanie Shiflet says:

      Have you read the book called As It Is Written A Brief Case For Karaism? Nehemia Co authored it with two others. It is a must read if you would like to understand Karaism. I personally enjoyed it.

  • Mimi says:

    Nehemia, it gave me goosebumps when I heard you mention that you are the only one who had shown an interest in the Hebrew Gospel of Matthew during a period of more than ten years.

    I have never heard it put more eloquently (during listening to Vaetchanan, I think); that the Christians crucified (and still do every day) Jesus for the second time.
    So sad and so true.

    Extra-ordinary, refreshing and empowering to hear these words from a Jewish scholar studying the Gospel of Matthew.
    Thank you for helping to clear Jesus name.

    Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Amen.

  • Mimi says:

    Hi Rhonda, the only way is forward. Elijah also thought that he was the only one in 1 Kings 19 and was told that there are quite a few thousand more. And here we have Nehemia and Keith and Jono and yzquest and Sharon … hahaha … too good!
    God bless.

    ps for Nehemia I liked your series not because I’ve watched it but because I am sooo looking forward to listening to it.

  • Margaret Pretorius says:

    I put this one the website ‘Above Top Secret’ because there are so many there questioning and arguing about religion (as well as on so many other subjects), but I thought you’d like to know, Keith and Nehemia, how far and away your videos are being shared.

    I titled it ‘Spiritual riches uncovered in the New Testament…’ and wrote this:

    ‘I have been watching ‘The Open Door Series’ videos on religion by Nehemia Gordon and Keith Johnson, and felt I had to share with all interested ATSer’s.

    There is an incredible depth to the New Testament that is revealed in this series of videos. As well as all kinds of interesting titbits and information, that answer all kinds of weird and wonderful religious questions along the way. Enjoy!…

    (Note: This recommendation is unsolicited.)’

  • Sharon says:

    Rhonda, just know that you are NOT alone. I have been walking this walk for almost 30 years and was mightily blessed that the first thing Yahweh taught me was His name. So now 30 years later I am still in the wilderness proclaiming His name which often falls on deaf ears. (I have no group and live in a Jewish retirement community although I am not Jewish, but a child of Abraham for sure.)

    Father told me just this week that I am ridiculed because the message I/we give – they have never really heard before, so we are nuts or uninformed or are not a bible scholar. Just hang in there, one day soon the dry bones will awaken (a dream I had long ago) and we will be there to feed them – and they will remember where they first heard the truth and return to hear more.

    • Rhonda says:

      Thank-you, Sharon! I cried as I listened to the series because I realize Yah has me right where he needs me! It is wonderful to know this, isn’t it? Praise Yehovah!!!

  • Rhonda Thompson, O.D. says:

    Thank-you so much! I have been feeling so isolated. I was a member in The United Methodist Church and I was teaching a Sunday School class on the Tabernacle. And suddenly, with one question, Yehovah changed my world. Someone asked, “What is Yom Kippur?” I replied that I did not know and we decided to study The Feasts of Yehovah in Leviticus 23. In preparing to teach this class, The Holy Spirit convicted me and moved me to a very uncomfortable place. I loved the traditions of my church. I was involved in leadership. I was a teacher. I was part of this ‘family’. I realized that when Yah says FOREVER – He means FOREVER! I realized that so many things I had been taught as the ‘gospel truth’ were not Biblical! I realized that I could not keep this information to myself!! Keith, you can imagine this did not go over too well. So, I found a Messianic congregation in Macon, Ga (about 30 miles from where I live) and thought that was the answer. Weeeeeelllll – it wasn’t too long before I began to challenge a few of their ‘traditions’ as unBiblical. That did not go over too well – in their eyes I am only a gentile and a female gentile at that! Who was I to question their authority?? I asked why if Yah says to call on His Name and that there is power in HIs Name – then why don’t we call out His Name??? Why do you, as a male, wear a head covering when The Bible says men are not to cover their heads? There was more – but you get the idea.
    I am an optometrist and have attempted to teach others the simple truths found in Scripture. I see almost 40 patients a day and have literature throughout my office proclaiming truth. Most do not bother to pick it up. I try to witness. Most cover their ears and don’t want to hear. I have been told, I have given up the grace that God wanted to bestow upon me. I have had my salvation questioned. I have been called a Muslim. I have been accused of Judeizing. I have been told that I read too much into things and that I am on a slippery slope by deciding to adhere to the Holy standards that Yehovah set for His people in The Tanach. My very best friend hears but doesn’t hear. I have cried and asked Abba, “Why me?” I can only think it was because I opened the door and said, “Here am I, send me”.
    Thank -you both so much for your message. I am NOT the lone voice crying in the wilderness!! In the center of The Bible belt – it just amazes me how few are interested in learning the truth if their traditions are called into question! May The Creator of heaven and earth bless your ministry beyond measure. May He continue to pour His Spirit upon you both. And, may Yehovah grant you wisdom beyond measure and surround you in His everlasting Peace!

    • yzquest says:

      May Yehovah bless you and may He draw close to a few really hot on the truth inspired people to fellowship and do feast holy days with.May you have divine appointments and may He open the hearts minds and eyes of those you love around you .In Yehshua s mighty name Amein.

    • Peter Phiri says:

      Hi Rhonda
      Welcome to the grafted in family of believers. The church world does not want to know about us and thinks we are a nuances. Keep up the faith and reverence of Yehovah and his Torah emet. We have brothers like Keith and Nehemia that have blessed us and edified us on the Torah. Ruach Hakodesh is our teacher. Baruchi anochi Yehovah. Shalom Aleichem

    • Mike says:

      Hi Rhonda, didn’t know your were seeking fellowship with the ‘Name” folks but we have started a fellowship in Forsyth, and call on the Father by name and keep the feast. Ever learning.mike

    • jeff says:

      Wow…you just wrote about me! I am going through the same thing…but i wouldn’t trade the peace I am obtaining for nothing! Thanks for sharing

    • Ann Marie Watson says:

      Dear Rhonda, You are not alone! You story is my story! I am walking in your shoes! It is a lonely path, but, we have Yahovah walking with us, leading the way, making the path straight….this is all we need! Praise Him for calling us out of our Egypt into the wilderness where we have met Him at Mount Sinai and have recieved His Word and the blessings which follow our commitment to do all that He has commanded. I will walk with you and be your friend ,together the journey will be made easier. TOGETHER with Yahovah we can experience the Joy of knowing we are truly His chosen people. 🙂

  • Anna says:

    I’ve been inspired by what I’ve seen so far and am looking forward to the rest of the series. Perfect for Shavuot this year. Loved the Avinu by Andrew. As per my habit I collect Hebrew songs to hear Hebrew by. Wish this Avinu had the Hebrew letters to follow along with each phrase so I could practice reading while singing along.

  • Debbie says:

    What about the 134 passages where the sopherim altered Jehovah to Adonai (see the companion bible appendix 32)????

    • Hi Debbie, That’s a fiction undocumented in any Jewish manuscripts. It’s based on a misunderstanding or misrepresentation if a genuine Masoretic note by C.D. Ginsburg. The genuine Masoretic note marks 134 places where Adonai appears without the name Yehovah. It has nothing to do with the name being removed from the text. In fact, the name appears 6,827 times in the most accurate Jewish manuscripts.